The Peninsula on Lake Granbury

The Peninsula on Lake Granbury.
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Reminders from the Board of Directors PDF Print E-mail

The board receives very few complaints, but by far the most complaints concern the following:

  1. PETS: With the warmer weather, more residents are allowing their pets to go outdoors. Please note that you are required to control those pets as proscribed in the CCR’s, Article 8, Section 8.9. Animals and Pets, which reads, in part:

    "All animals must be kept within a fenced area on a lot.  If taken off the Lot, all animals must be kept on a leash or otherwise controlled by the Owner or Resident.  It shall be the responsibility of the owners of the household pets to prevent the animals from running loose or becoming a nuisance to other Residents.”

  2. Trash: We have received complaints about trash receptacles being brought out days early and others being left out days after pickup. In accordance with the CCR’s Article 8, Section 8.8, Garbage and Refuse Disposal, which reads in part:

    "No cans, bags, containers or receptacles for the storing or disposal of trash, garbage, refuse rubble, or debris shall be stored, kept, placed or maintained on any Lot where visible from any street except solely on a day designated for removal of garbage and rubbish and on which days only such cans, bags, containers, and receptacles may be placed in front of a residence and beside a street for removal but shall be removed from view before the following day."

  3. Speed: As summer approaches, children will be out of school and playing near or riding bikes on our streets. Please slow down and comply with all posted speed and stop signs.

Please Help us keep “THE PENINSULA” the coveted place to live.

Thank you,
Peninsula Board of Directors
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 04 August 2020 )
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