The Peninsula on Lake Granbury

The Peninsula on Lake Granbury.
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Boat Storage Decals PDF Print E-mail


One of our goals this year in managing the boat storage area was to apply decals to trailers in order for us to more easily identify their owners.  We have now applied decals to most trailers and placed the decal on the trailer tongue. The decals are numbered consecutively and are unrelated to the number of your boat slot.  If you have more than one trailer stored, each will have a distinctive number. For example, there are two trailers parked in slot # 19 and they are numbered 78 and 79. If you have questions, please contact us. Additionally, available boat slots are now very limited.  Please consider turning in your slot in order for us to offer it to one of our new residents if it isn’t in use.  We are near the point where we must ask those with multiple slots to give one up.

Phil & Patsy Newsom
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 December 2015 )
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