The Peninsula on Lake Granbury

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General Announcement from Covenants Committee PDF Print E-mail

March 24, 2010

The Covenants Committee has been delegated the duty and responsibility to ensurere that the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR’s) of the development are followed by each of the homeowners.  These efforts are important for the overall benefit and safety of the residents of our community.
While the vast majority of homeowners fully comply with the numerous provisions contained in the CCR’s, there are times when problems arise that are not resolved informally.  This results in the unpleasant and time consuming act of enforcement.

The fine assessment program is governed by Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act and the By-Laws of the Peninsula on Lake Granbury with the provisions of the Texas Property Code taking precedence over other documents should a conflict exist.  In a nutshell, if a problem arises the owner will receive an informal letter requesting that they correct the problem within a specified period of time.  If this fails, a formal Notice of Violation will be issued.  This notice will include all relevant information and procedures.
The Committee would like to point out some of the most common concerns and complaints occurring in the past and the relevant Section of the CCR’s.
1.  Yard Maintenance – Section 8.4: Improved properties should be mowed and areas around fences, driveways, bushes and trees, dwelling, culverts, etc. trimmed to ensure a neat and orderly yard.  This includes the entire lot regardless of the size and should be done routinely throughout the growing season to remain within the limits established within the CCR’s (NTE 6 inches). Debris, broken tree limbs, etc. should be removed from the lot and not allowed to accumulate.
2.  Storage of Trash Receptacles: - Section 8.8:  Trash receptacles should be stored out of view from the street.
3.  Parking – Sections 7.4 and 8.6:  These two (2) sections address parking on unpaved portions of a lot and the parking of trailers, boats, RV’s, etc. on your property.  It is realized that there are times when it is necessary and convenient to park a boat or RV in your driveway for cleaning or just before or after a trip.  However; parking it there for more than a short period of time (about 2 days) is not acceptable.  Storage facilities are available for boats and trailers.
4.  Animals & Pets – Section 8.9:  Pets should be under the control of the owner at all times.  They should not be let out of the house unsupervised except within a fenced area. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their animals.
The Committee would appreciate your assistance in ensuring that these as well as all requirements of the CCR’s are followed.
Thank You,

Covenants Committee

Last Updated ( Monday, 10 May 2010 )
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