The Peninsula on Lake Granbury

The Peninsula on Lake Granbury.
Contacts - The Peninsula HOA

Important contact information for The Peninsula HOA.

Name Position Phone
General Inquiry Administrator
Gary Olsen President 817-578-2337
Rick Durmon Vice President 817-219-2880
Terry Lambert Treasurer 817-995-0299
Diane Hallmark Secretary 817-223-2806 (Cell)
Bob Williams Roads 214-802-3143 (Cell)
Randy Watson Gate Maintenance 682-936-2722
Bubba Ramirez Boat Storage 817-219-2603
Jeanne DiMacchia Welcome
Don Hays Architectural Review Committee
Shawn Lee Architectural Review Committee
Tom Wright Architectural Review Committee 817-307-5458 (Cell)
Lindsey Fletcher HOA Manager 817-894-9638
Apollo Gibson Website / Gate Programming 682-231-1187